Navigating Child Custody Battles as a Texas Father

Fathers can have a hard time getting the ruling that they deserve during a child custody battle. This is not to say that the Texas state laws are stacked against them, because they are not. Child custody courts in Texas seek to make a ruling in the best interests of the child. This is generally viewed to be a situation in which the child has a strong relationship with both parents.

However, fathers can face several obstacles to gaining custody. These must be addressed by the father during the child custody process. If you are a father in the state of Texas and you want to be successful in your custody pursuits, it is important that you take action on some of the most obvious obstacles.

Determining paternity

The first and most obvious obstacle to any child custody pursuit is a situation in which you have not established paternity. It is important that you are acknowledged as the father, either through marriage, through verbal or written acknowledgment, or through a DNA test.

The mother’s communication with the courts

Even if the mother wants to gain full custody of the child, this is unlikely to happen as long as you can show that you have a positive relationship with your child. However, if there are accusations of domestic violence, abuse, or neglect, there are likely to be challenged. It is important that you address these accusations adequately before moving forward.

The wishes of your child

The way that a child custody case is considered in the state of Texas will depend largely on the age of your child. Obviously, a baby or young child will not be able to give a preference in regard to their child custody arrangement. However, if a child is age 8 or older, they may be able to state their opinion depending on their perceived emotional maturity.

Your wishes and intentions

It is always important that you state your wishes in regard to child custody, and also to make your intentions known. The more that you can show that you want what is in the best interests of your child, the more your wishes will be deemed credible.

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