Child Custody for Children with Learning Disabilities

Determining child custody arrangements can be difficult no matter what the circumstances are. But when you have a child with a learning disability, it can be even more heartbreaking to have to help him or her to understand the changes that will take place in the weeks, months, and years to come.

Only you know how to best support your learning disabled child. You will probably know how he or she will respond to a sudden change in the daily routine, or how he or she will react to an explanation of why spending time at different homes is necessary. While you as a parent are empowered to help your child adjust to the changes that are about to happen, child custody courts may be needed in order to resolve any disputes between you and the other parent.

How is child custody governed when it comes to learning disabled children?

There is a premise that forms the foundation of all child custody decisions, and this is that the child custody courts always seek to come to a decision that is in the best interests of the child in question. Therefore, the courts will investigate and attempt to understand the intricacies of the family dynamic, as well as try to figure out what the best solution for the child in question would be.

The investigations will be supported by evidence and input from both parents about what they wish with regard to the future child custody arrangements, as well as what they think their child needs.

The child’s learning disability will also be taken into account, and it is likely that the child custody court will want to gather statements from the child’s doctor, therapist, teacher, or caretaker in order to help them get a picture of what the child’s life is like and what child custody arrangement would be best suited for them.

If you are a parent of a child with a learning disability in Texas, it is important to know that the child custody courts are here to support your child and the wishes of you and the other parent. It is always a good idea to research the intricacies of the law to help you understand the bigger picture.

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