The Need to Put Your Child First During and after Divorce

Parents in Texas and elsewhere are always concerned about the well-being of their children and what they could do to better protect them. The reality is that parents cannot protect their children from everything bad in the world. However, parents do have the ability to control how their own actions impact their children. Take, for example, divorce. It is a challenging time and can be very unpredictable. Still, divorcing parents can put forth the time and effort to make sure the process does not harm them as well as the decisions made during dissolution.

Depending on the age of the child, he or she might feel compelled to take action throughout the divorce process. While children deserve to be heard and have the right to have a voice, parents should note when it is time to keep children out of a conflict and when to give them a choice in the matter. By putting the needs of the child first, divorcing parents can balance this oftentimes difficult situation.

The best way to put a child of divorce first is by developing a workable parenting schedule. This is not always an easy task, as life can get complex and filled up quickly, but drafting a manageable and realistic parenting schedule can help a child whether they are a toddler or a teenager. However, these parenting schedules should be developed around the needs of the child as well as their developmental, physical, and emotional state.

We all know that even the most detailed plans can go astray. Because of that, divorcing parents should also create a decision-making process for when issues arise. When parents share the power to make decisions for their children, it is likely that they may not see eye-to-eye on something or their child interjects with their own opinions. Putting a process in place could help everyone involved resolve these issues without having them escalate.

Finally, divorced parents are able to keep their kid’s needs first by reassessing the situation and being honest with themselves. Are your kids getting enough attention? Do they see each parent enough? Have you taken on too many responsibilities? In order to ensure the needs of the child are met, parents need to determine if they are making the best choices for them as well.

It isn’t always easy to adjust to the post-divorce life. However, parents can make it easier on themselves by taking the time to understand the needs of their children and how they can best protect them.

Source:, “Putting Your Kid’s Needs First During a Divorce,” Deanna Conklin-Danao, May 26, 2017

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