How Does a Father Contribute to a Young Child’s Development?

Of course, much credit is given to mothers in regards to their role in a child’s development. While this acknowledgment is well-deserved, it is important to recognize the contributions made by fathers who also help to raise a child. Every child can benefit from having a strong bond with his or her father, and these benefits begin when the child is very young.

According to a doctor who has spent years studying father-child relationships, fathers actually help their children grow and develop in ways that are different from mothers. This difference manifests itself in the manner in which fathers and children interact.

For example, when a father plays with a baby, he tends to hold the baby facing outward. In this way, the child can get a better view of the world. Fathers also tend to let their babies explore more than mothers. According to the doctor, these sorts of acts may instill a greater sense of independence in the child.

Moreover, the doctor asserts that young children who have active relationships with their fathers tend to have better outcomes as they get older. They are often better able to form close friendships with others and are less inclined to become involved in alcohol and drug use. They are also more likely to succeed academically.

While most fathers want to spend time with their children, this can become difficult after a divorce. This is why it is imperative that the terms of a child custody or visitation agreement allow a father to have regular access to his or her child. If you are a father who wants the parental rights that both you and your child deserve, you may want to secure the services of a family law attorney. An attorney can help you plan an effective custody schedule and act on your behalf in an effort to have that schedule accepted by the court.

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