How Can I Make Vacation Time with My Child Run Smoothly?

There is very little in life that makes children happier than summer vacation. And who can blame them? With long days and no school, the summer allows for all kinds of fun. And if you are a divorced parent, you may be anticipating having more time to spend with your children. You may even have some special plans to make this one of the best summers ever.

But whether you are planning a trip to a faraway place or a simple “staycation” wherein you stick close to home, there are some steps you need to take to make sure everything comes off as hoped. For example, it is best if you can keep the peace with your child’s other parent. One way to do this is by avoiding making sudden changes in plans. It is much better to carefully craft a schedule and adhere to it as closely as possible.

You also want to make sure that your plans do not exceed the limits of your custody agreement. This is especially true if you are not typically permitted to take your children out of state or out of the country. However, in the case of vacations, you may be able to work with your spouse to have the agreement temporarily modified.

Summer is a great time to make some memories with your children. And if you want the freedom to go somewhere special or to just spend more time with your children, a Texas child custody attorney could provide assistance. An attorney can help you make a schedule that both you and your ex-spouse find agreeable. The attorney could also help you prepare a request for a custody modification that can be submitted to a judge for approval.

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