How Do You Choose the Right State for a Military Divorce?

If you are a spouse in a military marriage and are facing the prospect of divorce, one of your most important decisions involves choosing a state in which to file. Because service members are forced to move so often, military couples have greater leeway than civilian couples when picking a filing state. But before making your choice, you will want to do some research and find the answer to some basic questions.

One of the first things you want to find out is if a state you are considering has a mandatory waiting period for filing. For instance, in North Carolina, it takes a year before you can begin to finalize a no-fault divorce. On the other hand, in Texas, there are no such limitations and you can begin the process as soon as you file.

You also need to consider the circumstances of the divorce. Some states only offer a no-fault option for divorce, while other states allow for filing a fault-based divorce. A fault option may be better if your situation involved your spouse committing infidelity or acts of cruelty. If yours is such a case, you may be entitled to a larger portion of the settlement.

Divorce is a very personal decision, and every divorce has its own specific issues. And if you are part of a military couple, you have that many more things to consider. To help you get the clarification that you need on important legal matters, you may want to talk to a Texas family law attorney. The attorney could help guide you toward making your best choices. Moreover, an attorney can represent your interests as you pursue a fair settlement.

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