You have spent years saving and preparing your financial nest egg. Now you and your spouse decide you want a divorce, which often comes with an array of financial concerns. How will the finances be handled in the divorce, you wonder? Do not worry, the legal team at the Law Office of Michael D. Tracton has over 30 years of experience with high asset divorces.
The first item on your financial agenda is not to let your financial portfolio fall by the wayside. It is critical to understand the total accumulation of assets and any liabilities that can affect those assets. If you have a solid understanding of your assets, you are right on track for the next part of the process. This would be dividing the property in a correct and appropriate manner.
The fair value of investments, retirement accounts, 401(k)s, real estate holdings, stock options, and more can and will be considered at this time. If you have questions, do not fear, for we examine tax returns, bank statements, and other key documents to gain an accurate assessment of the couple’s total financial picture. At some point, the time will come when you decide to either settle with your ex-spouse or pursue litigation.
Either way, our law office will support you with the knowledge and expertise to get you through any situation. We will advocate aggressively on your behalf. You, as our client, are our first priority. Consider Michael D. Tracton to manage and advocate for your high asset divorce.